Orange pay as you go plans have a lot of minutes and GB so you can stay tune with everything that matters. If you want to be connected, you need to pay the rate of your plan and enjoy it for 28 days.

If you have a Holidays Pass plan, find out here how does it works.

Find out, how does your plan works to make sure you have your minutes and GB available when you need them.

1. When you just activate your plan or change to a new one

When you activate your line with a pay as you go plan or decide to change it, you choose the minutes and GB you want to have. After activating the plan you need to have enough balance or make a top-up similar to your plan rate so the minutes and GB will activate automatically and you can start using them for 28 days.

If you want to check your balance, find out here the way to do it and if you want to know which is your plan and if you got any minutes and GB available, find here how to know it.

2. Every four weeks

You’ll received and SMS advising you need to top-up or have enough balance so your minutes and GB will reactivate automatically once again and let you enjoy your plan for another 4 weeks.

Notice: make a top-up similar to your plan rate every 4 week so your plan reactivates automatically and you can enjoy your minutes and GB

3. You didn’t have balance after four weeks

If you didn’t have balance to reactivate your plan after 4 weeks, you’ll only have to make a top-up similar to your plan rate so it’ll reactivated automatically and you can enjoy once again your minutes and GB.

4. You have used all your GB or minutes before the four weeks

If you use all your GB or minutes before the 4 weeks end up and you need to reactivate them, take note:

Notice: if you reactivate your plan before the 4 weeks end up, the day you ask for the reactivation you’ll start a new cycle of 28 days to enjoy your plan

5. You don’t pay the plan rate

The easiest and cheapest way to use your line if by paying your plan rate, but if you don’t pay it, you can use your line with a price per minute and price per GB:

  • Your minutes will be charge at 30 cent€/min + 40 cent€ for call establishment (VAT included).
  • Your GB will be charge at 0,70€/10MB (VAT included).